From the station
First of all, we are only a 15 minute walk from the train station or a 5 minute taxi ride, which costs around €10.
Head across the main road (City Centre) into a road called Oostmeers.
After 400m turn right onto Zonnekemeers.
In 230m continue onto Walstraat.
After 84m turn right onto Katelijnestraat.
In 46m turn left onto Nieuwe Gentweg.
Then after 230m turn right into Werkhuisstraat. We are halfway down at number 18.

BY BUS (average time 18 minutes)
Bus 1 or 11 (De Lijn)
Get off: Bus stop Garenmarkt and continue in the direction the bus was going. At the end of the road turn right and the first street on the left is Werkhuistraat. We are halfway down at number 18.
By car
The quickest way to arrive at The Townhouse is to enter Bruges via the Katelijnepoort and then take the 2nd street on the right, Visspaanstraat; follow to the end and Werkhuisstraat is the street slightly to the right on the other side of the crossroads.